Saturday, April 18, 2015

Chapter Four

Harper looked straight at Marco. "Are you crazy? We can't possibly find the queen of the ocean! We're just two regular jammers!"
"Quite the contrary, for even though you may never have felt like it, you two are alphas." Poseidon said with surprising calmness. "Graham is enraged. He has been searching for you for so long, that I think he might kill you, so you will have to carry out the underwater part of the plan."
"Underwater PART?" Marco said, bewildered. "But she's a dolphin. How could she have left the ocean?"
"Marco, we created the oceans of Jamaa the way Mira and Zios made the lands. But don't you think we would've needed to be able to walk on land before the oceans were created? Even though I am usually a seal and Venus is usually a dolphin, we can change to any animal, just the way Zios could." Poseidon explained. "To carry out our plan, Marco will have to go to Crystal Sands, but immediately take refuge in the Canyons Pathway. Amelia and Sophie will be waiting there, as they were the only ones who could get away. After you get to the Epic Wonders cavern and search Coral Canyons, you must move on to Sarepia Forest. There, you will split up."
"SPILT UP!" Harper screamed. "How can you possibly expect them to do this without the others?"
Poseidon's mouth quivered, but he said "Listen, young one. Marco will go to Mt. Shiveer while Amelia and Sophie head to the Jamaa Township. They will search all the lands from there, then help Venus until Mt. Shiveer, where Marco will have dug out the tunnel to Crystal Sands. Marco and Venus will dive in the Ocean while Amelia and Sophie hide in Captain Meville's Juice Hut. You will be waiting there, and the three of you will come to the palace of the ocean."
They were silent for a while until Marco turned to Harper. "It's a good plan." he said.
Harper sighed. She knew she was outvoted. "Fine. When do we start?"


  1. I can't wait for the next chapter!

  2. IT'S AWESOME! I love the plot and the characters, and Calypso should make a return *has an obsession with the myth Calypso*

    1. Poor you, she won't return until like chapter ten
